Eport-E20 Super Port User Manual
Shanghai High-Flying Electronics Technology Co., Ltd
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2.9. Order Information
Base on customer detailed requirement, Eport-E20 provide different configuration version, Details as
Figure 8.
Eport-E20 Product Number Defination
2.10. Evaluation Kits
We provide evaluation kit for user to learn to use Eport-E20(Eport-E20-PIN is the same as Eport-E20,
so for evaluation, juse use Eport-E20). Evaluation kit picture is as following, User can use RS232,
USB Serial or Ethernet interface to configure parameters, manage equipment and do some function
test. ( onboard FT232R chip switch, its driver can be download from high flying website, When using
USB Serial, the top right corner jumper need to all jump to the left side). .
Figure 9.
Eport-E20 EVK
Evaluation kit interface details as following: