Detailed Feature and Control Descriptions
Mode Select Switch
MIDI2CV has three different main modes of operation. I will do my best to explain them here.
pitch wheel is active in all modes, but, the mod wheel only functions in Monophonic mode.
Polyphonic 1 Channel (position = UP):
In this mode of operation it is possible to play up to 4 notes of
polyphony. The first is sent to CV/Gate output 1, the second to CV/Gate output 2, and so on.
Polyphonic 4 Channel (position = CENTRE):
Each CV/Gate output is a different channel. The MIDI
channel auto-learned at startup is output 1, then, the following three outputs are increments of one
channel up from that. For example, if the first channel is 3, the next channels will be: 4, 5, 6.
Monophonic (position = DOWN):
The module operates in full single note mode. While only one note of
polyphony is achieved, this mode allows for full control of one synthesizer voice over MIDI: velocity,
mod wheel and trigger. Additional run/stop/reset outputs allow for control of an analogue sequencer
on top of the single full voice. The note-handling mode in Monophonic is
. This means the
output only starts a new gate when all previous notes have been released.
SYNC Output
This jack outputs an analogue version of the MIDI clock in the digital data stream. It is 24ppqn and
can be divided down for use driving sequencers and the like. It can be used alongside the run/stop