Hexagon Mining
Baarerstrasse 133
6300 Zug, Switzerland
If a vehicle moves out of range of the detection zones, it is forgotten by the pedestrian tag acknowledge
function, so that if it reappears, it will cause a new alert.
Alarm priorities:
When the vehicle is in standstill, and up to a speed of max_pps_speed (default 8 km/h), PA alarms
have priority over other CAS alarms. At speeds, faster than this parameter (If configured), Personal
Alert alarms will be disabled.
4.4.1. Battery Power Indication
By double clicking the Acknowledge Button, the Pedestrian Tag LEDs shows battery power status.
This is shown as a short simultaneous blink on both LEDs. In case of a battery with sufficient state of
charge, this is shown in green color, if medium battery life an amber color will be displayed on the
LEDs, and this indicates a life span of approximately 2-3 hours. If the battery is at a low level a red
color will be displayed, and this indicates a life span of less 1 hour left.
Once the battery has reached a critically low state of charge, it will display a permanent indication to
the user that it needs to be recharged. This indication is shown by displaying both LEDs in a constant
red color:
This sign indicates that the Tag is no longer operational and it indicated until the battery is flat.
In rare cases, the Pedestrian Tag will stop emitting the correct alerts on the LEDs due to
low power but it will not show the Low Battery Indication.
User Interface
Battery fully charged
The right and left LEDs will glow in
colour for 2 seconds.