6. The sound is played with a delay
(i.e. latency) on my Bluetooth
speaker or Bluetooth headphones.
What should I do?
There is always some degree of latency when using
Bluetooth audio technology. To avoid this, it is preferable
to use speakers or headphones with a wired connection
— connected to the headphones output of your
smartphone or tablet, or connected to the headphones
output adapter.
Most Bluetooth speakers have some latency, even when
using a wired connection. Multimedia speakers without a
Bluetooth feature do not have any latency.
7. I have to pair DJControl Mix again
every time my smartphone or
tablet’s display turns off. Is that
Yes: this is due to the way that Bluetooth LE technology
works, which is used for pairing in the app. Every time
your smartphone or tablet’s display turns off, the
Bluetooth connection with djay is lost and you must
repeat the pairing procedure.