Henri Studio Inc. Wauconda, IL 60084
7. Place the 7705 Small Pedestal in the Medium Bowl and pass the NKT up through the
Pedestal. Level as necessary.
8. Place the 6705 Small Bowl on the Small Pedestal and pass the NKT through the Bowl. Level
and align as necessary.
9. Place the 5705 Finial in the Small Bowl and pass the NKT through the Finial so that the NKT
is level with the top edge of the hole in the Finial. Level as necessary.
10. Add water to the fountain and start the pump when there is sufficient water to cover the
pump. Adjust the flow restrictor for a pleasing flow into the bowls. The final level of the water
is generally recommended to be 1” below the edge of the bowl.
If a pump does not start on the first attempt, unplug the pump and plug it in again. Sometimes an
airlock can occur and this simple restart most frequently clears the lock.
Connection Kit Parts List
1/2" X 1/4" Bushing
1" X 8" Stand Pipe
Rubber Stopper
1" X 6" Stand Pipe
Flow Restrictor
1 42" X 3/4" NKT