To navigate:
Select the desired program
Use the control buttons ‘up’▲ or ‘down’▼
View the functions
Use the control buttons ‘left’◄ or ‘right’►.
View/edit function settings
Press ‘enter’ when the function is selected. Users can
view the preset settings and the owner can also edit
them. (see next section ‘Settings’)
Edit machine settings
Press ´enter´ when the menu is selected (only
accessible for the owner)
Users have limited access in changing the settings of the machine. They can only adjust the
printer settings through the printer icon in the navigation mode. Owners of the machine are
authorized to change the machine settings and all functions settings. An authorization code
is requested, when the ‘enter’ button is pressed while the menu icon is selected in the
navigation mode. When the owner’s code has been put in, the machine settings menu will be
opened. When logged in, the function settings can be changed as well. To do so, you need
to go back to the navigation mode by pressing ‘left’ ◄.
The users authorization code: 0000
The owners authorization code: 1324
The machine will remember the last used authorization mode, even when the machine has
been shut down. Therefore you might need to manually change the authorization setting after
you have finished.
Edit settings
When you enter the machine- or function settings, you will enter the setting mode (see
picture). It describes the basic functionalities, which are similar in all setting modes.