1) A
Air sensor: Regulation (heating control) is based on the SET POINT applied to the internal room air temperature
2) AF
Air sensor plus floor sensor: Regulation is based on SET POINT applied to the internal room temperature sensor
but also controlled by the floor temperature sensor ensuring that the floor temperature remains within the set limits. The
lower floor temperature limit is specified in Parameter 14 (FtL) and the high temperature limit in Parameter 15 (FtH).
3) F
Floor sensor: Regulation is based on the SET POINT applied to the external floor temperature sensor.
4) FA
Floor sensor plus air sensor: Regulation is based on SET POINT applied to the external floor sensor but is also
controlled by the internal air temperature sensor ensuring that the room temperature remains within the set limits. The
lower air temperature limit is specified in Parameter 12 (AtL) and the higher temperature limit in Parameter 13 (AtH).
5) t
Time regulator: Regulation is based on the time settings for heating which will be ON during the time in Parameter
23 (tOn) and then OFF during the time in Parameter 24 (tOf). This cycle will be repeated constantly.
6) tA
Time reg Air sensor: Regulation is based on the time set by Parameters 23 and 24 but also controlled by
the internal air temperature sensor ensuring that the room temperature remains within the set limits. The air temperature
limits are specified in Parameters 12 and 13.
7) tF
Time reg Floor sensor Parameters: Regulation is based on the time set by Parameters 23 and 24 but also
controlled by the floor temperature sensor ensuring that the floor temperature remains within set limits. The floor
temperature limits are specified in Parameters 14 and 15.
In FA mode the SET POINT is set to 30°C, AtL is set to 24°C and AtH is set to 27°C:
a) If floor temperature is lower than 30°C and the room temperature is lower than 27°C the HE-HT01 will operate in
b) If the floor temperature is higher than 30°C or the room temperature is higher than 27°C then the HE-HT01 will enter
IDLE mode which switches off the heater.
c) If the room temperature is lower than 24°C the Heating Thermostat will operate in HEATING mode even though the
floor temperature is higher than 30°C.
d) If the room temperature is higher than 27°C the Heating Thermostat will enter IDLE mode even though the floor
temperature is lower than 30°C.
Factory default value is 3 (F).
Be careful when setting the lower limitation
Parameters 12 (AtL) and 14 (FtL)
to be sure that the value is
not too high, and it can be reached. Otherwise the HE-HT01 will stay always in HEATING mode.
For safety reasons the HE-HT01 will enter IDLE mode if the floor temperature reaches 40°C despite Parameter
If there is no floor sensor installed, or it becomes damaged (indicated by ” –
“ in the “FLOOR TEMP”), the
regulation mode (A) will be automatically selected as the source sensor. This can only be changed to
If one of
the source sensors is selected from the list
”, “
”, “
“tF”, the message “Err” will appear on the screen.
Parameter 12
(“AtL”) –
Air Temperature Minimum (Lowest level)
This Parameter is the room temperature low limit
reading the internal temperature sensor. This only comes into effect
are selected as the source sensor in Parameter 11. The Parameter value can be selected from 1.0°C to
36.0°C. Through the Z-Wave network the value of this Parameter should be x10, e.g. for 22.5°C set the value 225. The
factory default value is 21°C (210 through Z-Wave network).
AtL value cannot be higher than (AtH
Parameter 13
(“AtH”) –
Air Temperature Maximum (Highest level)
This Parameter is the room temperature high limit
reading the internal temperature sensor. This only comes into effect
are selected as the source sensor in Parameter 11. The Parameter value can be selected from 2.0°C to
37.0°C. Through the Z-Wave network the value of this Parameter should be x10, e.g. for 22.5°C set the value 225. The
factory default value is 27°C (270 through Z-Wave network).
AtH value cannot be lower than (AtL + 1)°C.
Parameter 14
(“FtL”) –
Floor Temperature Minimum (Lowest level)
This Parameter is the floor temperature low limit
reading the external NTC temperature sensor. It only comes into effect
if AF or tF are selected as the source sensor in Parameter 11. The Parameter value can be selected from 1.0°C to 36.0°C.
Through the Z-Wave network the value of this Parameter should be x10, e.g. for 22.5°C set the value 225. The factory
default value is 18°C (180 through Z-Wave network).
The FtL value cannot be higher than (FtH