Quick Start Guide NETL ink® Ethernet Gateways
9. Tips and Information
If despite confi guring all network parameters correctly you are still unable to estab-
lish a connection, it may be necessary to deactivate other network devices in the PG/
PC (relevant if they are in the same IP address segment of the LAN network card).
You will fi nd other helpful documents, specifi cations and manuals in the Support/
Download section at www.helmholz.com:
Application examples with RFC 1006 (ISO on top of TCP/IP)
Communication connection with the project-specifi c interface
Examples of CPU-to-CPU communication
9.1 Update and diagnostics software SHTools
With the aid of our freely available diagnostics and update software SHTools, you
can, for example, carry out fi rmware updates yourself. In order to ensure the com-
plete functional scope of your NETLink® adapter, we recommend that you regularly
update your devices. The software’s latest version is available for download at
First connect your Helmholz adapter to your PG/PC before you open SHTools.
Below you can fi nd a description of the screenshot to the right:
a) Connected devices are found automatically after the program is started through
the menu-guided user interface.
b) With the aid of the update button, the internal binary directory of SHTools is
browsed for current fi rmware fi les and displayed.
c) Start the update procedure with the appropriate button if necessary. Adapter
parameters that you have already saved are not overwritten in this action.