PN/CAN Gateway, PROFINET/CANopen Slave | Version 2 | 1/26/2021
Recycling / WEEE
The company Helmholz GmbH & Co. KG is registered as a manufacturer with the HELMHOLZ brand
and the device type "Small devices of information and telecommunications technology for exclusive
use in households other than private households" as well as the following registration data:
Helmholz GmbH & Co. KG,
Location / Headquarters: 91091 Großenseebach,
Address: Hannberger Weg 2,
Name of authorized representative: Carsten Bokholt,
Registration number: DE 44315750.
The electrical devices described in this document are to be recycled. According to Directive 2012/19 /
EU on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), they must not be disposed of by municipal
waste disposal companies.