Small chicken Roaster
with Handle
Place the unit on a level surface.
Open the crumb & drip tray and add 2-3 tablespoons water to the tray. Slide the tray back into
place. The added water helps prevent smoking oil or fat as it drips onto the Tray.
If not already in place, install the heat shields and glass door.
Plug the oven into the wall outlet.
Choose selected accessory and assemble as follows.
Air Fryer: The Air Fryer includes the housing for the rotisserie motor, a handle port for the rotisserie spit
handles, a drive port for the square end tip of the spit, the crumb and drip tray, dual heat shields, easy
lift glass door, and easy-to-use control dials and light indicators.
The easy lift glass door allows convenient viewing of foods while cooking, without stopping the
rotisserie process or lowering the oven temperature by opening the glass door. The glass door has a
convenient heat-resistance handle and can be removed for easy cleaning. See assembly instructions as
Chicken Roaster with Handle: Although the classic rotisserie spit is traditionally used for small chicken
and quails, the chicken roaster with handle makes it even easier and faster than ever. Two rods support
and hold the poultry with greater ease, allowing you to assemble, set the rotisserie oven controls and
relax until your poultry is deliciously ready.
The chicken roaster with handle is also the perfect spit for any goods that are more fragile and require
extra support while rotating in the rotisserie, such as whole seafood or uneven cuts of lamb, pork or
Rotating Basket with Handle: The rotating basket with handle is your go-to choice when cooking steaks.
Steaks sear perfectly as the basket rotates, locking in natural juicy tenderness. Boneless small chicken
breasts quickly cook to perfection in the rotating basket, as well.
Rotating Cage with Cool Touch Handle: The rotating cage with cool touch handle holds cubed or
shoestring potatoes, chicken nuggets, home style French fries, battered mushrooms, chicken wings and
many other snack and casual foods. Simply fill the cage and assemble as directed in the oven. Set the
control dials and get ready for some deliciously rotisserie snacks and casual bites.
Rack: Use this handy rack for prepping food or to support the rotating basket, cage or the chicken
roaster with cooked food.
Rotating Basket with
Rotating Cage with Cool
Touch Handle