User’s Guide
Q-POS 815
correctly, then the problem is probably with the driver or
application software.
Hardware problems may be caused by the touch screen,
controller, cabling, power supply, or by the integration of the
touch screen components in the display. This appendix
describes techniques for isolating the problem, including
power-on diagnostics, status LED verification, and
component swapping.
7.7.1 Display
If you are experiencing display problems (such as no video, no
horizontal or vertical synchronization, raster non-linearities, etc.),
remember that the video function of the display and the Elo touch
screen installed on the display are separate systems. Therefore,
problems with the display should be treated as display problems, not
touch screen problems Diagnostic procedures and possible
corrections for display problems should be performed.
7.7.2 Software
Before beginning software troubleshooting, verify that the touch
screen hardware is working by running the COMDUMP program for
serial controllers. If the touch screen is operating, then the problem
may be with the driver software, the application software, or a conflict
with other hardware or software. (The problem may also be due to
incorrect touch screen video alignment).
The general technique for troubleshooting software problems is to
identify at what layer of software and associated hardware the
problem exists. For example, if you have a Windows application,
there are several layers of software and drivers. The problem could
be with your application, Windows, MonitorMouse for Windows,
MonitorMouse for DOS, the ELODEV driver, a conflict with another
device, or the touch screen hardware. The best approach to software
troubleshooting is to remove the layers of software one by one,