P.NR. 09
Mavericks is designed to withstand harsh and
most uncomfortable weather conditions. The
structure is engeneered to withstand strong
wind speeds up to 180 km/h. For moderate
conditions (<100 km/h) additional guy lines to
support the structure are not required. In case
you are expecting higher wind forces or very
strong gusts we suggest the use of guy lines to
strengthen the structure.
The frame features extra strong anchor
points (5 in each direction = total of 25). If you
are experiencing a prevailing wind direction
we suggest to start supporting the frame
windwards - depending on the wind force this
could already be sufficient. If you have strong
gusts from changing directions it is suggested
to support the frame in at least three
directions to maintain a balanced structure.
To spread the pulling force please always use
multiple anchor points in each direction.
Mavericks comes without
pegs and guy lines.
Depending on the environment
and weather conditions, the
appropriate material must
be supplemented. For more
information, please visit