Telephone 0045 75891244
- for professionel farmes
Return to counter menu (main menu).
Key knife:
Key counter:
Knife corr. L:
Knife center:
Correct the movement of the cross knife towards left.
The higher value the longer the knife runs towards left.
Correct the centre position of the cross knife.
Knife corr. R:
Paw cuts male:
Correct the movement of the cross knife towards right.
The higher value the longer the knife runs towards right.
Number of cut the paw knife has to cut in male setting.
Paw cuts female:
Knife stop - L ON/OFF
Number of cut the paw knife has to cut in female setting.
Here you can turn on and off, the stop of the cross knife.
At stop, the knife only drives on by activation of the foot
pedal. If you keep down the foot pedal after start the knife
runs without stopping.
Grinding ON/OFF
Grinding function. Press this button to turn the knifes on
and off manually.
Paw blow: ON/OFF
Blow of paws can here switched on and off. Blow can
only be turned ON, when running with option Paw OFF.
Adjust the machine to run with paw clip (OF) or paw cut
(ON). When paw on function is used, paw blow cannot be
turned ON.
Cutting speed M: %
Cutting speed F: %
Setting the cross cut speed for Male and Female
Speed entered in % of max speed.