If it is necessary to store the motorcycle for a long period of time, the following operations are recommen-
ded before storage:
•Clean the whole vehicle.
•Lubricate or grease the components that need it.
•Empty the fuel tank. (Take care with the fuel, which is inflammable and toxic)
•Empty the sump, removing the old transmission oil and refilling with new oil (If the engine is cold, it is
recommended to start up and leave running for a few minutes to warm up the oil and assist draining).
•Cover the exhaust with a plastic bag, protecting it from the elements.
•Any unpainted metal parts that could get rusty should be coated with oil.
•Avoid the tyres touching the ground by placing a piece of cardboard or similar material under them.
•Protect the motorcycle as much as possible form dust and dirt by covering it with a plastic or canvas
When putting the motorcycle back into service, first:
•Remove the plastic covers used.
•Check the oil and lubrication of components.
•Check the spark plug.
•Adjust tyre pressure as recommended.
•Fill the petrol tank.
39 - Storage