background image

Q1 conducting to saturation and turning off Q2.
The  circuit  then  reaches  its  second  inactive
(quiescent) condition. Capacitor C1 having pre-
viously been charged, now discharges at a time
constant  determined  by  the  value  of  C10  and
control R11. As long as the key lever is held in
the  dot  position,  the  dot  generator  multivibra-
tor continues to run free. Each stage is then al-
ternately  on  and  off  for  relatively  long  periods
(determined by the value of C10 and R11, and
C20 and R21), followed by a very rapid switch-
over to the opposite stage.

The  collector  output  signals  of  Q1  and  Q  are
fed to other sections of the circuit. The output
from  the  collector  of  Q1  is  fed  through  R30  to
the base of Q3 and through R79 to the base of
Q7. The output is fed to Q3 to make the multi-
vibrator action self-completing. Once the multi-
vibrator  is  started,  any  movement  of  the  key
lever will not have any effect until the dot and
following space have  been completed. The  op-
eration  of  Q7  will  explained  in  the  following

Driver Follower And Switch

The  base  of  switch  transistor  Q8  draws  more
current than can be supplied by the dot gener-
ator  transistors. Therefore  driver  transistor  Q7
is  used  as  an  emitter  follower  to  supply  the
necessary  drive  for  Q8. Resistors  R73,  R74,
R75, R76 and R78 divide the power supply vol-
tages  to  set  the  proper  bias  voltages  to  fully
control Q7 and Q8.

Transistors Q7 and Q8 have a positive base bias
voltage  which  keeps  them  cut  off  (no  current
flow). Each  time  the  collector  voltage  of  Q1  is
at –16 volts, transistor Q7 is biased to conduc-
tion.  This  action  then  biases  Q8  to  a  point
where it will also conduct. The output from Q7
is  fed  through  resistor  R111  to  the  base  of
audio clamp Q11. The operation of Q11 will ex-
plained later. The collector output of Q8 is used
to key the transmitter. This waveform is shown
in Figure 12.

Figure 12

Manual  keying  may  be  accomplished  by  con-
necting a hand key between the Hand Key and
GND terminals. This operates Q7 and Q8 inde-
pendently  of  the  Keyer  operation  by  shifting
the bias voltage on Q7. The Hand Key terminal
is  also  grounded  when  the  slide  switch  is
placed in the Hold position. This allows continu-
ous  transmitter  operation  for  tuning  or  adjust-
ment purposes.


Dash Clamp

Dash  clamp  Q6  operates  the  same  as  did  the
dot  clamp.  Transistor  Q6  keeps  the  flip-flop
multivibrator  circuit  turned  off  by  applying  a
positive  bias  voltage  to  the  base  of  Q4. This
bias voltage will cause Q4 to be cut off.

Flip-Flop Multivibrator

The  flip-flop  multivibrator  consisting  of  transis-
tor  Q4  and  Q5  and  their  associated  circuit  are
similar  in  construction  and  appearance  to  the
dot  generator  multivibrator. However,  instead
of having cross-coupling (collector of one to the
base of the other) capacitors, it uses resistors.
Therefore,  it  cannot  oscillate  as  did  the  dot
generator  multivibrator. This  circuit  will  stay  in
either of two states, where one transistor is cut
off  (fully  off)  and  the  other  is  saturated  (fully

When the base of Q4 is positive with respect to
emitter,  it  cannot  conduct.  The  collector  volt-
age  of  Q4  is  then  maximum  negative  and  is
coupled through resistor R41 to the base of Q5.
This negative voltage on the base causes Q5 to
conduct,  thus  keeping  it  in  saturation. In  this
condition,  the  multivibrator  cannot  switch. It
will  stay  in  this  condition  until  a  positive-going
pulse is fed to the base of the transistor that is
in the saturated condition. In this case it is Q5.

Summary of Contents for HD-10


Page 2: capacitor C2 to produce a positive 19 volts DC Silicon diode D3 and filter network consisting of ca pacitors C3 and C4 and resistor R9 provides a negative 16 volts DC These voltages are the operating and bias voltages for the transis tor stages KEY SWITCHING The key lever is moved in one direction or the other to actuate switch S1 or S2 Switch S1 turns on the dot generator multivibrator circuit...

Page 3: of the first dot T1 ia at the start of the following space Figure 10 This positive rise is coupled through capacitor C20 to the base of Q1 This drives the base of Q1 to collector cutoff With the collector current of Q1 cutoff the collector voltage increases to its maximum saturation The result is to turn transistor Q2 fully on and Q1 off Although this on and off switching action is fast it is ...

Page 4: ...duct The output from Q7 is fed through resistor R111 to the base of audio clamp Q11 The operation of Q11 will ex plained later The collector output of Q8 is used to key the transmitter This waveform is shown in Figure 12 Figure 12 Manual keying may be accomplished by con necting a hand key between the Hand Key and GND terminals This operates Q7 and Q8 inde pendently of the Keyer operation by shift...

Page 5: ...r that is in the saturated condition In this instance it is Q5 The waveform of the pulse at the junction of C51 and the diode D50 is shown in Figure 14 Figure 14 As Q5 turns off a negative going pulse is pro duced This is because Q5 stops drawing cur rent permitting the collector voltage to become more negative Capacitor C50 is used to pass this pulse to the base of Q4 to speed up the switching ac...

Page 6: ... of the dash is filled in by the next dot signal from Q1 alone as shown in Figure 16 Figure 16 The result of these two signals at he base of Q8 is the waveform shown in Figure 17 Figure 17 At this instant both Q1 and Q5 are on and a space results This completes a dash and a space at the collector of Q8 to key the trans mitter This waveform is shown in Figure 18 Figure 18 As the key lever is moved ...

Page 7: ...lume control is connected to the speaker The control my be adjusted for the desired listening level If desired the receiver output may be con nected between GND and the Receiver Audio terminals This allows the audio to be heard in headphones connected to the Phone jack of the Electronic Keyer The speaker of the Elec tronic Keyer cannot be used when a receiver is connected as it is of too high an i...

Page 8: ......
