0 o = + y
— o
Figure 23
The value of g is supplied by one of the IC power supplies. Some way must be provided fo r d is
charging the capacitors at the end of the solution of the problem . This can be accom plished by
connecting the capacitor to the relay contacts which are open during solution of the problem and
clo se d during the " r e s e t " time.
The 100 K potentiometer is the IC potentiometer. Connect a patch cord from the red binding
post of IC-1 to the INPUT binding post of am plifier 1, and another patch cord from the black
binding post of IC-1 to the black METER INPUT binding post above the meter. Plug a 1 m eg
ohm mounted re sisto r into the input socket of am plifier 1 (the one to which the patch cord is con
nected) and a 1 megohm re sisto r into either input socket of am plifier 2. Plug mounted 1 pfd
capacitors into the feedback sockets of am plifiers 1 and 2. Connect a patch cord (short) from the
output of am plifier 1 to the input of am plifier 2 (the one with the 1 megohm re sisto r). Connect
patch cords from the AMPLIFIER INPUT binding post and AMPLIFIER OUTPUT binding posts
to relay contacts 1 for am plifier 1 and relay contacts 2 for am plifier 2. Set IC-1 control to the
first or second dot from the extrem e counterclockw ise direction. Set the METER RANGE switch
to 100 V and the METER FUNCTION switch to AMPLIFIER OUTPUT 2. Turn the HIGH VOLT
AGE switch to ON (the filament switch should previously have been turned to ON). Turn the
OPERATION switch to MANUAL. The meter needle should move to the right, slow ly at first,
gaining speed as it m oves. When the needle reaches 60-65 volts, turn the OPERATION switch
to RESET which w ill discharge the capacitors, making the computer ready to again solve the
problem . If the m eter needle m oves too slowly, turn the IC control clockw ise; if the needle
* Norm ally closed.
Page 22