Excessive hiss will normally be produced by a
faulty, poor quality, noisy device in the chain or by
imbalances between different gear. To reduce
hiss, identify gear responsible and drive it harder
while reducing its own gain.
Turn off unused mixer channels
Radio interference within the signal may be
caused by the use of poor quality leads such as
curly leads, especially where High Impedance and
Low Output Passive pickups are used
To avoid, use highly screened jack leads into
Inputs and use active pickups
Use only current government licensed, type
approved, multi-channel radio Mics and radio
transmitters of good quality. If noise or broadcast
radio interference is experienced, change for
conventional Microphones and high screen leads
Check that all connectors are pushed firmly into
their sockets
Jacks Sockets need to be kept clean or can short
out functions. Switch Cleaner with Lubricant,
WD40 or the like, on the probe can get them
working. Send & Return Sockets may be the first
connectors to deserve attention