party and/or custom firmware providing extra features are not covered in this manual.
4K Diva – User Manual
#diva set avidisable x
where x is [on / off]
Stops sending any AVI infoframe content
Ex. #diva set avidisable on
#diva set cec x
where x is [on / off]
Sets the CEC engine
Ex. #diva set cec on
#diva set cecla x
where x is [video / audio]
Sets the CEC engine logical address. For video [14] and for audio [5].
Ex. #diva set cecla audio
#diva set archbr x
where x is [on / off]
Sets the ARC capability to include DD+ / ATMOS over DD+ capability.
Ex. #diva set archbr on
#diva set oled x
where x is [on / off]
Sets the OLED display visibility
Ex. #diva set oled on
#diva set oledrev x
where x is [on / off]
Sets the OLED display reversed colors
Ex. #diva set oledrev on
#diva set oledrot x
where x is [on / off]
Sets the OLED display rotation
Ex. #diva set oledrot on
#diva set oledpage x
where x is [0-4]
Sets the OLED display page
Ex. #diva set oledpage 0
#diva set oledfade x
where x is [0-255]
Sets the OLED display fade timer in seconds. After this time OLED goes blank