A2081-2.2 en/de/fr
Safety Instructions
Designated use
The force transducers in the U93 type series are solely designed for measur
ing (static and dynamic) tensile and dynamic compressive forces within the
load limits specified by the technical data for the respective maximum capaci
ties. Any other use is not the designated use.
To ensure safe operation, the regulations in the mounting and operating in
structions, together with the following safety requirements, and the data speci
fied in the technical data sheets, must be complied with. It is also essential to
observe the applicable legal and safety regulations for the application con
The force transducers are not intended for use as safety components. Please
also refer to the section: “Additional safety precautions”. Proper and safe op
eration of the force transducer requires proper transportation, correct storage,
siting and mounting, and careful operation.
Loading capacity limits
The data in the technical data sheet must be complied with when using the
force transducer. In particular, the respective maximum loads specified must
never be exceeded. The following limits set out in the technical data sheets
must not be exceeded
Limit loads
Lateral load limits
Breaking loads
Permissible dynamic loads
Temperature limits
Limits of electrical loading capacity
Please note that when several force transducers are interconnected, the load/
force distribution is not always uniform.
Use as a machine element
The force transducers can be used as machine elements. When used in this
manner, it must be noted that, to favor greater sensitivity, the force transducer
cannot be designed with the safety factors usual in mechanical engineering.
Please refer here to the section “Loading capacity limits”, and to the specifica