A2081-2.2 en/de/fr
TEDS transducer identification
TEDS stands for “Transducer Electronic Data Sheet”.
An electronic data sheet can be stored in the transducer as defined in the
IEEE1451.4 standard, making it possible for the amplifier to be set up auto
matically. A suitably equipped amplifier imports the transducer characteristics
(electronic data sheet), translates them into its own settings and measure
ment can then start.
At the gray connection (to ground at black), there is a digital identification sys
tem available. The basis for this is a DS2433 1‐wire EEPROM, made by Max
HBM provides you with the TEDS Editor program, for storing your data. This
is a component part of the MGCplus Assistant software, for example, or the
TEDS dongle module from HBM, that allows you to program TEDS, even
without an amplifier.
Hierarchy of rights for TEDS
The TEDS Editor uses a hierarchy of rights:
1. Standard rights (USR level)
This level concerns entries that can be modified by any user, and which are
changed subject to their application, for example: measuring point name,
zero value, filters.
2. Calibration rights (CAL level)
This level concerns entries that a calibration laboratory must be able to
change, if, for example, the sensitivity in a TEDS module has to be updated
after recalibration.
3. Administrator rights (ID level)
Administrator rights in relation to TEDS are needed by the sensor manufac
turer. In the case of a self‐built sensor or subsequent upgrading with TEDS,
HBM customers can of course also make use of these rights.
Different user rights are needed in order to amend the entries in the so‐called
“templates”, and these rights may differ from one entry to the next within a
template. However, when used later with other programs, the software must
also support rights management, otherwise all the entries would be accessible
(the hierarchy of rights specified in the TEDS standard is not monitored by the
TEDS module, and not every software package supports rights management).
Contents of the TEDS module, as defined in IEEE 1451.4:
The information in the TEDS module is organized into areas, which are pres
tructured to store defined groups of data in table form. Only the codes of the
different templates and their associated values are stored on the TEDS mod
ule itself.