Guniting and Plastering
1. Install the provided gunite/plaster shield as shown using the included plastic screws (do
not over tighten). The gunite/plaster shield will prevent gunite or concrete from entering
the inside of the niche or being deposited on the face of the niche, during the pouring/
shooting process. The shield should be left in place until the light is installed in the niche.
2. It is necessary to keep concrete or gunite from hardening on the outer edge and flange of
the niche during pouring/shooting. Remove any gunite on the flange before it hardens.
3. Plaster is applied about 3/4” thick in the area surrounding the niche. The distance between the front edge and the flange of the niche is filled with
4. Make sure the front face of the niche (plastic edge just under the edge of the gunite/plaster shield) remains free of plaster. This edge is necessary to
assure a proper alignment and mounting position for the light.
Securing Universal ColorLogic/CrystaLogic light
To fasten the Universal ColorLogic/CrystaLogic to the LGGUY1000 niche, refer to the diagram below. For complete installation instructions, refer to your
light manual.