If you experience nuisance power trips while in backup operation, you my need to reduce the power
requirement by turning o
some devices to prevent further power tripping events. The energy storage
system will automatically reset after a short period of time and reattempt to meet the power requirement.
After several attempts to automatically reset power within a short period, the system will protect itself by
going into maintenance mode. The service light on the LED display will the come ON.
If the service light comes ON while in backup mode, there may be an overload condition which prevents
the system from operating safely. If the battery state-of-charge (SOC) is greater than 20% (one or more
Green LEDs), reduce the load by shutting o
circuits in the backup electrical panel, then press and hold
the service button 5 seconds to resume backup power operation. If the battery SOC is less than 20%
(SOC Led is yellow), do not attempt to resume backup operation until sunlight is present to provide a
solar charge of the battery.
If you do not have power to connected devices while in backup mode, please check to see if any circuit
breakers may need to be reset in the protected loads panel. Some breakers and outlets may also have
built in ground fault Interrupt (GFI) circuitry for additional protection and safely that may need to be reset.
In the event that there is not enough solar generation to maintain battery operation in an extended
duration grid outage, the battery system will automatically shutdown to a standby state with a minimum
operating reserve, and attempt to restart at the beginning of the next solar charge cycle. During the
standby state, there will no longer be any backup power available. This cycle will repeat until, a) the grid
power returns, or b) the battery depletes to a hibernation state, where no backup power is available. In
the event that the battery reaches hibernation, the grid power must be available to restart the battery
This product does not support automatic gas generator integration. Do not attempt to
connect a gas generator to the battery system. If generator support is required, consult your installer
regarding a separate manual transfer to your backup electrical panel.
The Powerblocks home energy storage system is a maintenance free product. Regularly scheduled
inspection of the airflow path for the active cooling fans on the bottom side of the PCS cabinet is all that
is required. This inspection should occur on an annual basis. If the fan ventilation holes are obstructed
with dust / debris, a soft-bristled brush can be used to wipe them clean.
If the monitoring system is not accessible, check the internet connection. If connection is via wi-fi,
reboot wireless router, and make sure login user and password have not been changed since time of
original installation. Please refer to the document. [E-Gear - EMC Power Cycle] for instructions on how to
reboot the EMC device. If first attempts are not successfully, try again the following day then contact our
service department for additional assistance. Note: monitoring system servers may occasionally be
down for service or system updates.
An internet connection is required in order to make warranty claims for defective battery
modules. The system supports wired, wi-fi, and cellular internet connection options.
May 2020