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Basic Volleyball Rules


Games are usually played to 11 or 15 points and should be determined before play begins. 

Court switches or exchanging courts occur at specifi ed times during the game. In a 15-

point game, courts are exchanged each time the total number of scored points is a multiple 

of 5. In an 11-point game, teams exchange playing courts each time the total number of 

scored points is a multiple of 4.

Rally Point Scoring:  In rally point scoring, either the serving or receiving side scores a 

point whenever a team fails to serve properly, return the ball, or commits any other fault.
Ball Play:  

• Ball in:  The ball is “in” when, after being put in play, its fi rst contact with the ground is

on the playing court or a boundary line.

• Ball out: The ball is out when after being put in play, its fi rst contact with the ground is

completely outside the playing court.

- It touches an object outside the court, an overhead object or a person out of play.

- It touches the antennas, ropes, posts or the net outside the antenna.

Team Contacts:  

• Each team is entitled to a maximum of three contacts to return the ball to the opponents.

• A player may not contact the ball consecutively, except during or after a block or at a

team’s fi rst contact.

Contact Characteristics:

• A player may touch the ball with any part of the body.

• The ball must be contacted cleanly and not held, lifted, pushed, caught, carried or


• The ball cannot roll or come to rest on any part of a player’s body.

• An exception is allowed during the defensive play of a hard driven ball (an attack hit or a

blocked ball traveling at a high rate of speed). At this time, the ball may be momentarily

lifted or pushed.

Attack Hit:

• All actions directing the ball toward the opponent’s playing area, except the acts of

serving and blocking, are attack hits.

• You cannot contact the ball within the playing space of the opponents.

• Blocking is an action that defl ects the ball coming from the opponent by a player and/or

players at the net.

• For doubles and triples, blocking does constitute as a contact and any player may make

contact of the ball after the block.

• For four-person and six-person play, blocking does not constitute a team contact. Any

player may make the fi rst contact of the ball after the block.

Simultaneous Contact:

• When two blocking teammates touch the ball simultaneously, it is considered one

contact and any player may make next contact.


• Assisted Hit: A player takes support from a teammate or any object in order to reach the ball.

• Double Contact:  A player contacts the ball twice in succession or the ball contacts

various parts of the player’s body successively.

• Held Ball: A player does not cleanly contact the ball.

• Player/Net:  It is a fault for the player or their clothing to touch any part of the net.

• Reaching beyond the net while blocking. A player may touch the ball beyond the net provided

the player does not interfere with the opponent’s play before or during the attack-hit.

• Player may cross the center line, either before, during or after legal play of the ball,

provided this does not interfere with the opponent’s play.

• While opposing players are not required to avoid the ball or the player, they cannot

intentionally interfere with any legal attempt to play the ball on their court.


Ver. 10/16
