Loading the magazine
The magazine can be loaded on, or off the cam-
era. If it is to be loaded off the camera, then the
magazine slide must be inserted first.
In either case, when inserting the slide ensure
that its flat side is towards the rear (see detail in
illustration 19) as this facilitates the removal of
the film holder.
Step-by-step film loading 19 - 26
Follow the procedure below in the correct order.
19. Fold out the film holder key.
20. Turn the key counter-clockwise and with-
draw the film holder (magazine insert).
21. Place an empty take-up spool under the
grooved knob of the spool clamp bar. Insert
a roll of film under the other end of the bar,
turned the same way as in the illustration.
Be sure to remove all of the paper band
surrounding a new roll of film.
22. Turn the film holder key clockwise to open
the film clamp. Pull 8 - 10 cm (3 - 4 in.) of
paper backing off the film roll and slide the
edge under the clamp.
23. Insert the tongue of the backing paper into
the slot in the take-up spool.
24. Turn the grooved knob clockwise until
the arrow on the paper backing is aligned
opposite the triangular index (or oblong
index with Ilford black&white film, see
‘Magazine tips’) on the spool clamp bar,
but no further.
25. Turn the film holder key counter-clockwise
and insert the film holder into the maga-
zine. Ensure that it is correctly positioned.
Turn the film holder key clockwise to lock
the film holder in the magazine and then
fold the key back into place.
26. Fold out the film crank and rotate it clock-
wise about ten turns until it stops. Then
turn it counter-clockwise and fold it in.
The figure (1) will now be displayed in the
automatic frame-counter window indicat-
ing that the magazine is loaded and ready
for use.
Magazine tips
The magazine’s film winding crank is only
blocked at frame 1. A partially exposed film
may be wound off at any frame afterwards.
On the rear of the magazine is a slide pocket
where the magazine dark slide can be kept
when not in use. Turn the slide with the hinge
towards the rear to fold the bow fully into the
slide pocket recesses.
Do not put the film holder down on an un-
clean surface or where it can attract dust.
Clean out the magazine housing regularly re-
moving not only dust and particles but also
any scraps of paper from previous rolls that
may have remained inside.
Each magazine housing and film holder form
a carefully matched pair. Be careful, there-
fore, when loading more than one magazine