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Writing Log Files to USB
This screen appears during the
boot up process. While the freeze
dryer is running it records data. If
there is a thumb drive inserted into
the freeze dryer it would download
the data to the thumb drive.
Calibration Screen
Occasionally this screen will appear
during the boot up process. Simply
push the 3 dots to recalibrate your
touchscreen. If you don’t see 3 dots
then calibrate again.
It is possible to force this screen
to appear if, immediately after
turning on the freeze dryer, you
press and hold anywhere on the
touchscreen until you hear a
buzz. Once the buzz has sounded,
immediately let go.
Small Batch Cycle
This screen appears when the
freeze dryer wants to speed
through the freezing and drying
cycles too fast. Essentially the
computer is telling the machine to
slow down; nothing will freeze dry
as fast as the machine is trying
to. This occurs with low moisture
foods and smaller batches, hence
the name “
Small Batch Cycles.”