Publication 5420-009 REV1.0
From Animal
To Animal
Typical Operation
The VentElite is designed to respirate small animals with a body mass ranging from
10 g to 1 Kg. It can operate at respiration rates of 10 to 300 breaths per minute (bpm)
and can deliver tidal volumes of 50 µl to 5 ml. The VentElite is designed for use in
a typical laboratory, operating room, or any other well-ventilated, nonexplosive
environment. The VentElite can be used to deliver all types of nonexplosive gas mixtures
including, but not limited to, anesthetic gases and high concentration oxygen.
Typical Operating and Ventilator Connections
The VentElite has connection ports on the piston and cylinder as well as on the valve
outlet. These connections are shown and explained below and on the following pages.