Revision C • 12/05
The PGM 1 bus has priority, but PGM 2 is used when the
Telco is only assigned to PGM 2. The Mix-Minus with talk
outputs always have talkback—even if the Telco channel is
not assigned to a bus.
Program Outputs
There are two Program outputs: Program 1 and Program
2. Each is a mix of all channels that are turned on and as-
signed to that bus. The Program outputs are never affected by
any incoming or outgoing talkback, by any monitor muting
(which occurs when any mic channel is on), by signal selec-
tion on the Monitor Select buttons, or by any Cue activity.
Each channel is independently assignable to either or both
program buses. The channel is assigned to a bus when its bus
assignment button is lit. But, in order for the channel audio to
reach the program bus, the channel must also be turned on
(On/Off button lit), and the fader must then be adjusted to
yield the proper audio level.
Monitor Controls
One Monitor Select button is lit to indicate the signal being
shown on the meters and being sent to the room monitor and
headphone outputs. Either PGM 1, PGM 2 or an external
monitor input (EXT) can be selected.
When a microphone channel is on or the Talk button
is pressed, the room monitors mute, regardless of the selected
signal. Headphone audio is never muted.
Pressing any channel’s Cue button switches the monitor out-
puts and the meters to the Cue bus. To indicate the Cue bus is
active, the active Cue button(s) wink and the active Monitor
Select button LED is turned off. The Cue bus audio comes
from the channel’s input—it is pre-fader and pre-switch.
Turning all Cue buttons off returns the monitor to the pre-
viously selected source. Cue can also be forced off by pressing
any monitor select button to select a new monitor source.
Note that Channel 1 cannot be asigned to the Cue bus.
Talk / Intercom Operation
Press and hold the Talk button on Channel 1 to send the
talent’s microphone audio—pre-switch and pre-fader, to the
Talk output and to the Mix-Minus output, for as long as the
Talk button is pressed. This action mutes the Channel 1 mic
from any assigned bus (it automatically turns the channel off,
if it was on, while the Talk button is pressed).
When an external location talks to the SMX
d, the incom-
ing talk audio is fed to both the headphones and to the room
monitor outputs. The monitor audio is dimmed by 12 dB so
the incoming talk can easily be heard.
Follow these steps to initially operate the mixer:
1. Adjust all faders (channels, room monitor and head-
phones) to full off.
2. Make sure that only the PGM 1 assignment buttons
are lit on each input channel and that the PGM 1 Moni-
tor Source selector button is lit.
3. Turn on one channel with a typical audio source con-
4. Adjust the channel fader so that the average audio level
bar reaches -18 to -12 dBFS on the meters. To reach
this level with a standard level signal the linear faders
are typically aligned with the red line. On rotary faders
the equivalent setting is at “two o’clock.”
5. To hear the audio, adjust the Room Monitor fader or
the Headphones fader to a comfortable listening level.
Before plugging in headphones, always
set the Headphones fader to full off, then adjust it
to a comfortable listening level using program ma-
terial with an average level of -18 to -12 dBFS.
Setting the headphone fader beyond half-
way may supply sound pressure levels sufficiently
loud to damage headphones and cause hearing
damage, especially with sustained listening times.
Peak Meter Indications
When the meters display both Average and Peak signals,
single LED peak indicators typically will be shown 10 dB
above the average levels. Peak indications in the yellow with
occasional red LED peaks are normal, but consistently allow-
ing signal peaks in the red LEDs should be avoided as this is
very close to overdriving the mixer. The blue peak LEDs indi-
cate the signal level is at or near signal clipping. They are set
to turn on at -6, -4, -2 or 0 dBFS via internal DIP switches.
d Bargraph Meter
L = Left Channel Level &
R = Right Channel Level,
in dB below FSD*
Blue Peak Indicator
for each channel
* FSD = Full Scale Digital—the maximum mixer output level. -20 dBFS = 0 VU