WARNING: Disconnect primary power prior to servicing.
Diamond Series™
Section 6 Troubleshooting
Exciter Fault
RF present fault generated by the exciters. For CD-1A exciters, this fault is factory
adjusted to trip when the rf level drops below 50%. However, this adjustment can be set
to any level at the customers discretion via a pot in the exciter. For dual exciter/driver
transmitters, (provided the other drive chain has no errors) the transmitter will switch to
the alternate drive chain when this fault occurs. For more information see the CD-1A
exciter manual.
Driver Fault
Summary fault for driver. See Driver section for individual faults. Fault will cause drive
chain switch in dual-drive transmitters if other drive chain is okay.
DD-1 Driver 2.2
The following faults are internal to the driver. The GUI will only indicate a summary
fault flag on the screen. This summary fault will cause a switch to the alternate Exciter/
Driver (drive chain) if available. To determine the actual cause of the internal Driver
fault, there is an LED on the Driver Control Board, inside the DD-1 Driver, for each of
the following faults.
Cable Fault
The control cable to the DD-1 controller board is bad or not connected. Not latching.
This could also include the cable inside the driver chassis from the rear panel connector
to the Driver Controller board.
Driver Power Supply Fault
Indicates failure of the +28volt power supply internal to the driver, or AC outage. If
real, driver output will be 0 and fans will not be running. Check driver chassis ac fuse
and verify ac to +28volt supply.