High-Speed Resistance Tester – Model 9250-05
Operators Manual
can be returned to IDLE Mode with the Stop Readings command. Also, any command entered
(except Start Readings or Send Temperature) will return the unit to the IDLE Mode.
Auto-Range Selection
One of the premiere features of the Model 9250-05 is the Auto-Range Selection. The Auto-Range
command begins the automatic selection of the resistance range. When the measured resistance
falls below 10% of the current range, the meter will automatically switch to the next lower range.
Set Auto-Range ON:
Turn on the automatic ranging feature.
Set Auto-Range OFF:
Disables the automatic range selection. The meter will remain on the last selected range until a
new range command is issued. Auto-Range OFF is the factory default.
Diagnostic Output:
Displays the raw counts from the analog-to-digital converter. Used in calibrating the system.
Restore Factory Defaults:
This command will reset the stored system settings to the factory defaults. Calibration values are
not affected by this command.
Factory Default System Settings are:
Serial Communications:
9600 Baud Rate
Resistance Range:
Range 0
Power Line SYNC:
Temperature Compensation: