Below each of the display spaces there are three buttons, each of which acts on the Space
above it. The buttons for the left Space are Edit combination, Add combination and Erase
combination; for the right Space, Edit keystroke, Add keystroke and Erase keystroke. In
either case, before you can edit or erase, you must select the relevant combination inside the
If you begin a new keymap, nothing appears in either of these Spaces; if you load a keymap,
the contents of that keymap are loaded in the left display space, and then any combination
you select in the left Space is displayed in the right display space.
When you are editing, either in Interactive Mode or in the editing window, if you enter a new
key combination for an existing keymap, the previous keymap is overwritten with the new
The last button on the main window is Interactive mode. This allows you to build a new
keymap, or edit an existing keymap, by using the BraillePen12 keyboard and the PC
keyboard to type the BraillePen12 keystrokes and their corresponding PC keyboard
Before you can use the Interactive mode, you have to either choose to start a new keymap or
load an existing keymap; if you don't remember to do that, you will see an error message
reminding you:
Once you have loaded a keymap or chosen to begin a new keymap, the Interactive window
will appear, and BPConfig will begin searching for your BraillePen12 - make sure it is turned
on and Bluetooth is active.
Illustration 11: BPConfig Interactive Mode Error -
no keymap loaded
Illustration 12: BPConfig Bluetooth search screen.