on and Bluetooth is active, the MAC address will appear in the
window; if you have not yet turned on your BraillePen12, turn it on
now, and once you hear the triple
When the address appears in the window, select it and click
Emulating a Windows Keyboard
BraillePen Write can emulate any kind of PC keyboard under Windows.
keyboard map or keymap. When you press a key combination, or keystroke, on the
BraillePen, BraillePen Write uses the keymap to translate this keystroke into a Windows
keystroke, and sends it to Windows.
BraillePen Write comes with a de
other keymaps, or you can make your own. We will make new ones available as they are
made. You might like to share yours with other users, too!
When you first use the BraillePen Write, it loads the
table for this keymap can be found in Appendix B, Windows Keymaps.
There are some special keystrokes in BraillePen Write that we hope you will find helpful.
Illustration 7: No Bluetooth error dialog.
Illustration 9: BraillePen12 connected, showing
Disconnect button.
If you see this message
Bluetooth adapter to your computer.
Consult your distributor about a suitable
The main window
Connect, Search
and Exit. If your
on and Bluetooth is active, the MAC address will appear in the
window; if you have not yet turned on your BraillePen12, turn it on
now, and once you hear the triple-beep, click Search.
When the address appears in the window, select it and click
computer, you will see that
the Connect button has
changed to Disconnect.
Now minimise the window and use your BraillePen12
as a Bluetooth keyboard in any Windows application.
The next time you run BraillePen Write, it will minimise
immediately to the system tray, and search for the
BraillePen 12 it already knows. So long as Bluetooth is
running and the BraillePen 12 is on, the connection will
happen automatically.
If you want to load a different keymap, for instance for
Braille entry into a translation pr
Keymap button and browse to the new keymap file and
click OK. The new keymap will load, and you are again
ready to use the BraillePen12.
Emulating a Windows Keyboard
BraillePen Write can emulate any kind of PC keyboard under Windows.
keyboard map or keymap. When you press a key combination, or keystroke, on the
BraillePen, BraillePen Write uses the keymap to translate this keystroke into a Windows
keystroke, and sends it to Windows.
BraillePen Write comes with a default keymap for your location; we have also made several
other keymaps, or you can make your own. We will make new ones available as they are
made. You might like to share yours with other users, too!
When you first use the BraillePen Write, it loads the default keymap for your location. The
table for this keymap can be found in Appendix B, Windows Keymaps.
There are some special keystrokes in BraillePen Write that we hope you will find helpful.
: No Bluetooth error dialog.
: BraillePen12 connected, showing
If you see this message, you need to add a
Bluetooth adapter to your computer.
Consult your distributor about a suitable
Now minimise the window and use your BraillePen12
as a Bluetooth keyboard in any Windows application.
The next time you run BraillePen Write, it will minimise
tem tray, and search for the
BraillePen 12 it already knows. So long as Bluetooth is
running and the BraillePen 12 is on, the connection will
If you want to load a different keymap, for instance for
Braille entry into a translation program, click the Load
Keymap button and browse to the new keymap file and
click OK. The new keymap will load, and you are again
BraillePen Write can emulate any kind of PC keyboard under Windows. It does this using a
keyboard map or keymap. When you press a key combination, or keystroke, on the
BraillePen, BraillePen Write uses the keymap to translate this keystroke into a Windows
fault keymap for your location; we have also made several
other keymaps, or you can make your own. We will make new ones available as they are
default keymap for your location. The
There are some special keystrokes in BraillePen Write that we hope you will find helpful.
Illustration 8: MAC address showing, ready
to connect.