Chapter 6 Audio Modules
AHC-561 Module
© 2015 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved.
Electra 9200, Rev O
AHC-RAC Metadata Connection
The AHC-RAC audio options have an RJ-45 connector to accept Dolby metadata.
shows the pinout of the connector.
Figure 6–2: AHC Metadata Input Pinout
Dolby Digital Metadata with the AHC-RAC
Dolby Digital signals include metadata describing the contents of an audio stream. The
metadata can assist the decoder in adjusting listening volume, downmixing from multi-
channel to stereo, and other features. The metadata can be received via a serial stream
through the AHC-RAC's RJ-45 connector.
describes the serial connection for this port.
AHC-561 Module
The AHC-561 audio card is being deprecated on the Electra 9200/9200D. IOM-RAC2 and AHC-
RAC are the recommended audio cards for the Electra 9200/9200D.
The AHC-561 module has four BNC connectors, which support AES3 and S/PDIF inputs. The
audio module also includes an RJ45 connector that can be used to supply Dolby serial audio
metadata (this is not an Ethernet connector).
Up to 4 AHC-561 cards can be installed in a chassis.
Figure 6–3: AHC-561 Digital Audio Input Ports