© 2012 Harmonic Inc.
Electra 1000, Version 3.0, Rev M
Appendix D
Boot Sequence
This appendix describes the encoder boot sequence, including the messages that appear on
the local control panel display.
D.1 Local Control Panel Display Messages during Bootup
Messages on the local control panel indicate progress during boot-up. During a successful
boot, many events occur so quickly you cannot see the messages. The following sections
describe the messages that you can see during boot attempts.
During the boot sequence, do not press any key on the keypad.
The following sequence describes the display on the vacuum fluorescent display (VFD) during
a successful startup:
Power on
VFD line 1 =
Harmonic Inc
VFD line 2 =
System Loading
Begin loading
VFD line 1 =
VFD line 2 =
System Loading
VFD line 1 =
VFD line 2 =
Loading xxxxxxxx.elf
VFD line 1 =
VFD line 2 =
Multichannel Encoder
D.2 Other Local Control Panel Display Messages
The local control panel displays messages for other types of restarts, including a system reset
and loading new software.
Resetting the Encoder
When you reset the encoder from NMX, a message on the VFD shows that the encoder has
been reset. The encoder uses the boot file on the hard drive when you reset it.
Reset from NMX
VFD line 1 =
Bye bye...
VFD line 2 =
After power cycle
VFD line 1 =
Harmonic Inc
VFD line 2 =
System Loading
Begin loading