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Translation file errors
During the loading of a translation file it is parsed to ensure it is correctly formatted. Should an error be
identified within the file this is reported back to the console, along with the approximate line number of
where the error is located. Multiple errors may be reported during verification.
The errors relate to either the file syntax, or values being out of bounds. The errors are self explanatory
but may have been caused by a missing semi-colon or bracket further up the file than the indicated line
System fault indication
System faults are indicated when the Status LED ③ is red. The specific fault is indicated by another LED
being lit and it’s colour.
The Ethernet ports could not be initialised.
If the problem persists following a power cycle the unit will require service.
Input RX
The internal storage card has failed to read or write.
If the problem persists following a power cycle, please contact support for
Do not attempt to swap the internal storage card for a generic
card, or the unit will not operate correctly.
Firmware update firmware recovery
This method will erase ALL non-volatile and configuration data. It cannot be reversed.
This procedure should ONLY be performed if a normal firmware upgrade procedure is not
To recover cmdBridge from a failed or faulty firmware upgrade, this procedure may be performed to
effect a total system reset. This will;
Revert cmdBridge to the original factory shipped firmware image
Clear any and all stored translations
Clear the system configuration
Connect the Input Serial port RX line to the Output Serial port RTS line with a link cable, then turn the
system on. Once the firmware writing procedure starts (the Input / Output TX and RX LEDs start to
cycle), remove the link cable.