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Translati on fi les
Translati on fi les enable a Source device to send commands to a Target device, with the data being translated
en-route. Likewise Target device replies are translated into Source device replies. Multi ple replies per
command are supported, combined with fl ags to send replies when certain circumstances are met.
The full syntax can be found in Appendix A. Files are plain text and can be edited in a simple text editor, no
client specifi c soft ware is required.
Command fi les consist of a header element which is followed by one, or more, commands, then an end.
Commands contain the replies linked to that specifi c command.
The end of the fi le is identi fi ed simply with end
Header element
Descripti on
The start of a fi le may contain a descripti on, as below.
desc = “EPSON EB-535W to NEX NP-M302WA”;
The descripti on is used to name the translati on, and is shown in the confi gurati on page when a
translati on is loaded. It also names a translati on slot if the fi le is stored internally.
Descripti ons can also be added to commands and replies, these can be used to help document a
translati on fi le.
Variables may be defi ned, for example to track the system status. They are numeric, and must be
declared before they are used, as below.
Up to 32 variables may be defi ned.
var power = 0;
This declares a variable called
and sets it to an initi al value of
Variables may set within commands and replies, and may be formed of compound statements. For
set power = 5;
set counter = c 1;
set power = last_power;