Makes SNOO perfect for your unique baby!
Download the App today! Here are App features parents love the most:
Remote Control –
Lets you adjust SNOO from your bed…or anywhere.
Change SNOO’s levels from your mobile device. Monitor your baby’s sleep when
you’re not at home!
Level Lock –
Improves sleep if your baby is waking too often.
Many of us get sleepy on the train. Well, more r sound can also boost
baby sleep…even through growth spurts and sleep regressions. Locking keeps
the bed’s sound + motion fixed (won’t rise with crying...or slow with sleep).
Motion Limiter –
For babies—or parents—who like less jiggle.
This blocks the fast speeds, but still allows stronger sound in response to your
baby’s fussing.
Response –
Lets you make SNOO more—or less—sensitive to your baby’s cries.
This makes SNOO react faster to soft cries…or slower if your baby is a noisy
breather and grunts a lot during sleep.
Preemie –
Gives gentler rocking to tiny babies.
This blocks the fast speeds until your baby reaches the due date. (If you feel your
preemie needs extra motion, just toggle this setting off.)
Weaning –
When you want to prepare your baby to transition to the crib.
Provides gentle sound—but no motion—all night. SNOO will still respond to your
baby’s fussing with sound + motion. Select this option 1-2 weeks before you plan
to move your baby to the crib, usually around 6 months.