The other new member of your family!
Congratulations! And, thank you so much for choosing SNOO Smart Sleeper®
to help your baby—and you—during these amazing first 6 months!
Designed by celebrated pediatrician Dr. Harvey Karp, SNOO is a totally new
type of bed that will help your baby be rested, healthy and happy.
What’s SNOO’s secret?
It’s the only bed that perfectly mimics the rumbly sound + gentle
rocking babies love in the womb.
It “hears” your baby’s cry and automatically responds with increasing
levels of soothing white noise + jiggly motion…often calming fussing in
under a minute.
It’s the safest bed ever made. It offers you extra peace of mind by
keeping your baby safely on the back—all night long.* (Stomach
sleeping is associated with a higher risk of infant sleep death.)
*When used as directed.