Q : I want to set the setting value to the same value for 8 channels at the same time, how to do?
A : To set the same value for eight channels,
The parameter is set to A then input, will be set to the same value for eight channels.
Q : Is it possible to auto-tune at 8 channels once?
A : If you press ENT+<< KEY in functional mode, can enter the set-up mode, then the AT parameter
appears, press CH KEY sequentionally, it will become 1->2->3->...A, when "A" comes out, change the
OFF of the SV display to ON then press ENT KEY, all channels are auto-tuned at once.
Q : In which case is auto-tuning canceled?
A : Auto-tuning is automatically canceled when the AT parameter is OFF, the target value (SV) is changed
and Burn-Out or ADC error occurs.
Q : Is it possible to auto-tune only certain channel?
A : In order to execute auto-turn on specific channel, press CH key in AT parameter to select a desired
channel number and change the OFF to ON.
Q : Due to the surrounding influence of temperature, the movement of the last digit is severe,
how do I take action?
A : On the monitor screen, press ENT+ << KEY to enter the setup mode, and press ENT KEY to enter it in
the parameter of FILT, the movement appears dull.
Q : How many PID values operate in channel 8?
A : The PID value constant exists in each channel, 8 PID values exist when using 8 channels, and since
there are 8 SV storage per channel, 64 PID integers exist.
Q : What is ZONE MEMORY?
A : Zone Memory is a memory area that stores the setting values of 1-8 channels from zone 1 to zone 8.
Q : There are 3 alarms, how do they operate?
A : If desired alarm values are set in alarms 1, 2, and 3, the operation is performed when a temperature
corresponding to the alarm is detected during operation.
Q : I want to change the setting value(SV) of another control zone without changing the currently
controlled zone.
A : When you want to change from zone 1 to zone 2, press ENT KEY once on the initial screen to enter
SV mode. Here, in order to change the zone from 1 to 2, the digital value of SV changes every time
<< KEY is pressed, and when the cursor's position is in the zone, press UP KEY to change it to
1→2, the zone changes from zone 1 to zone 2. Here, when CHKEY is pressed to change the channel
number from 1 to 2, the channel is sequentially changed. Here,
the desired temperature may be set using UP and DOWN KEY.
- Refer to Manual 29 page.