Appliance parts and nozzles page EN-15
The vacuum cleaner comes with
various nozzles designed for a
range of uses. Where required,
each nozzle can be attached to
the suction tube (7) or the tube
extension (8) before or during
Floor nozzle
The floor nozzle (10) is well suit-
ed for vacuuming hair and thread
from rugs and carpeted floors.
The rotating brush (16) is pro-
pelled by the vacuum air flow.
Crevice nozzle
The crevice nozzle (11) is suita-
ble for vacuuming material folds,
joints, corners and niches that
cannot be reached with the floor
Furniture nozzle
The furniture nozzle (12) can be
used to remove dust from uphol-
stered furniture, mattresses, sofas
and smaller surfaces.