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• Wait for readings to stabilize.
• Enter in “pH Menu”- “Cal. pH Probe” - “Process pH Cal.”
and enter in the
“Cal. Value” field
the reading from the
reference pH meter.
• Press “CFM” key
when the analyzer
prompt for “Over-
write pH cal. ?”.
•The analyzer checks for readings stability (see One-point cali-
bration) and when the value is stable the message “Stable...
press CFM” is displayed.
• Pressing “CFM” key will complete the process pH calibration.
The calibration could be terminated at any time by pressing
“ESC”. In this case the new calibration is not saved and the
old one remains effective.
When a new probe is connected or for any reason the current
calibration is wrong and new calibration can not be performed,
the default calibration values could be set. In this case the
slope is set to 59.16 mV/pH and the offset is set to 0 mV.
To accomplish that, select “pH Menu” - “Cal. pH Probe” -
“Set Default pH Cal.”
The analyzer will ask “Reset the pH cal. to default ?” and if
“CFM” key is pressed will replace the existing calibration co-
efficients with the default values.
Cal. Value:06.84 pH