• Auto Light Off time (3 chars)
• Auto Power Off time (3 chars)
• The number of custom buffers (1 char)
• The custom buffer values, with sign and decimal point, for each defined custom
buffer (7 chars)
• The short name of the selected language (3 chars)
Requests the number of logged samples (4 chars).
The command parameter (1 char):
• P ‑ request for pH range
Requests the xxxth pH record logged data.
Requests all pH Log on demand.
The answer string for each record contains:
• The logged mode (2 chars):
• 00 ‑ pH range (0.001 resolution)
• 01 ‑ pH range (0.01 resolution)
• 02 ‑ pH range (0.1 resolution)
• 03 ‑ mV range
• Reading status (1 char): R, O, U
• Calculated reading, with sign and decimal point and exponent
(11 chars) ‑ for pH
• Temperature reading, with sign and two decimal points (7 chars)
• mV reading status (1 char): R, O, U
• The mV reading, with sign and decimal point (7 chars)
• The logged time,
(12 chars)
• The calibration slope, with sign and decimal point (7 chars)
• The calibration offset, with sign and decimal point (7 chars)
• Temperature probe presence (1 char)
Notes: “Err8” is sent if the instrument is not in measurement mode.
“Err6” is sent if the requested range is not available.
“Err4” is sent if the requested set parameter is not available.
“Err3” is sent if the Log on demand is empty.
“Err9” is sent if the battery power is less than 30%.
Invalid commands will be ignored.