• Press TIMER and the display will show the countdown prior to the
measurement or, alternatively, wait for 25 minutes and press
READ DIRECT. In both cases "SIP" will blink during measurement.
Shake gently the cuvet 4 or 5 times during the first 20
minutes of the countdown prior to the measurement. Accuracy is
not affected by undissolved reagent powder.
• The instrument directly displays concentration in mg/L of cyanide
on the Liquid Crystal Display.
• To convert the result in mg/L of Potassium Cyanide (KCN) multiply
by a factor of 2.5.
for most accurate results perform the test at 20-25 °C.
Interference may be caused by large amounts of turbidity that will
cause high readings.
Oxidizing (like chlorine) or reducing agents (such as sulfide or sulfur
dioxide) are known to interfere with the measurement. Distillation will
remove these.
Samples with high pH values should be adjusted to approximately
pH 7 before testing.
cyanides, their solutions, and hydrogen cyanide liberated
by acids, are very poisonous.