If you want your motion sensor to be a security device that use secure/
encrypted message to communicate in a Z-Wave network, then a securit
y enabled Z-Wave controller is needed.
1) Open the cover.
2) Place the device within the direct range of your Z-Wave controller.
3) Set the main controller remove mode (see the controller’s manual).
4) Triple click the Z-button quickly, the LED indicator should blink fast.
5) Wait for the removing process to end.
6) Successful adding will be confirmed by the Z-Wave controller’s message.
Association allows Motion sensor to control another Z-Wave device such as Smart Switch, Smart
Dimmer, etc.
Motion sensor supports two association groupings.
Motion sensor can max associate 5 nodes in each group.
Group 1 reports the motion detection and battery level.
Group 2 is assigned to send BASIC SET command.
Wake up interval:
Available settings:
Default setting:
Defining a time period by which the motion sensor sends a wake up notification command frame
to communicate with the assigned device, update parameters, update software, detects battery
Wake up interval set to 0 disables the sending wake up notification command, in such
configuration it is needed to manually wake the device up by press the Z-button.
3600 seconds is the step of wake up interval time, which means motion sensor
will send wake up notification command by a timeline that is multiple 0f 3600