d) Clock time / real time
Available after selecting RESET, in the MODE key. The Symbol
>>TIME<< is an indicator for the real time.
Example: 09,23,44 (HMS)
The symbol SET indicates that the real time can be programmed as
A quick press of the SET key
(10th hour blinking) with the Start/Stop key counts up the hours.
A quick press of the SET key
(1st hour blinking) with the Start/Stop key counts up the hours.
A quick press of the SET key
(10th minute blinking) with the Start/Stop key counts up the minutes.
A quick press of the MODE key will finish the set procedure.
e) Date
Available after selecting reset, with the Mode key. The symbol
>>DATE<< is the indicator for the date 25.11.93 (DMY), U.S.A. 11.25.93
The symbol SET shows that with the Set key, the date can be
programmed as follows:
A quick press of the SET key
(10th year blinking) with the Start/Stop key count up.
A quick press of the SET key
(1st year blinking) with the Start/Stop key count up.
A quick press of the SET key
(10th month blinking) with the Start/Stop key count up.
A quick press of the SET key
(1st month blinking) with the Start/Stop key count up.
A quick press of the SET key
(10th day blinking) with the Start/Stop key count up.
A quick press of the SET key
(1st day blinking) with the Start/Stop key count up.
A quick press of the MODE KEY will finish the set procedure.
Attention: Please reset the stopwatch after each time setting.
Modul 3 - Additional functions
The Modul 3 includes these additional functions:
- CD for Count Down
- Real time setting with split times
A quick press of the MODE key (rotation) the sequence is:
Split. Lap, Addition (see time measurement page 17), CD (Count
down, see below), Real Time (see before). Date (see before).
(CD) Count down
CD is the symbol for the Count Down operation. With the SET key,
time can be preprogramed.
A quick press of the SET key (the first second is blinking).
With a quick press of Start/Stop key, the blinking position can be
With a quick press of Start/Stop key, the first second position can be
With a quick press of Start/Stop key, the 10th second position can be
With a quick press of Start/Stop key, the first minute position can be
With a quick press of Start/Stop key, the 10th minute position can be
With a quick press of Start/Stop key, the 1st hour position can be
A quick press of the MODE key will move the position to the next
With a quick press of the Start/Stop key, the count down can be started/
The symbol xy xy shows the current status.
At zero, the alarm signal will be activated for
6 seconds. The display on the bottom left will be increased by one. Thus,
the recording of the
zero rotation can be read up to ninety-nine times. During the count down
mode, the modes can only be switched between count down
and date.