Hangar 9 Taylorcraft 26cc BNF
5. Secure the wing to the fuselage using the nylon
wing bolt removed in step 1. Attach the struts to the fitting
on the fuselage using two clevis pins and keepers. The
strut is attached to the top of the fitting as shown. Note
the silicone tubing is placed on the pin before it is installed
through the fitting.
6. Center the aileron stick and trim on the
transmitter. With the radio system on, check that the
aileron servo is perpendicular to the servo as best as
you can. Use the sub-trim in the radio programming if
necessary to adjust the servo arm position. Next, check
that the aileron is aligned with the wing as shown. It
may be necessary to loosen the 4-40 nut so the clevises
can be adjusted. Thread the clevis in or out on the aileron
pushrod so when the clevis is connected to the control horn,
the control surface is aligned with the fixed surface. Once
centered, slide the clevis retainer over the forks of the clevis
to keep it from opening in flight. Center both ailerons at this
time. Tighten the 4-40 nut against the clevis to prevent it
from changing positions in flight.
7. Repeat steps 2 through 6 to attach the remaining wing
panel and adjust the aileron.
Center of Gravity
An important part of preparing the aircraft for flight is
properly balancing the model.
CAUTION: do not inadvertently skip this step!
1. The recommended Center of Gravity (CG) location for
your model is 3
-inch (95mm) back from the leading edge
of the wing as shown. Mark the location of the CG on the
bottom of the wing with a felt-tipped pen.