Hangar 9 Sundowner 36 ARF
Hinging the Aileron
Required Parts
Wing panel with aileron and hinges (right and left)
Required Tools and Adhesives
Pin vise
Thin CA
Drill bit: 1/16-inch (1.5mm)
1. Separate the aileron from the wing panel and set the
four hinges aside.
2. Use a pin vise and 1/16-inch (1.5mm) drill bit to
drill a hole in the center of each hinge slot. This will provide
a tunnel for the CA to wick into, providing a better bond
between the wood and hinge when they are glued in position.
Prepare both the aileron and wing panel at this time.
3. Place a T-pin in the center of the four hinges
removed in step 6. This will center the hinges evenly in the
rudder and fin.
4. Place the hinges in the aileron.
5. Slide the hinges into the slots in the wing panel.
6. Remove the T-pins from the hinges. Make sure the
aileron is pressed tightly against the wing panel to eliminate
any hinge gap. Check that the ends of the aileron have an
equal gap and are centered in the opening for the aileron in
the wing panel.
7. Saturate each hinge using thin CA on both the
top and bottom of the hinge. Allow the CA to fully cure
before proceeding.
: Do not use CA accelerator on the
hinges. The CA must be allowed time to
soak into the hinge and surrounding wood
to provide the best bond for the hinge.