Hangar 9 RV-8 Assembly Manual
Step 4
Slide the cable crimp close to the fitting, but not so tight that
it touches. Position the cable so a small amount exits the
crimp. Use crimping pliers or pliers and crimp hard to crimp
the cable in position.
: Do not let more than 1/4-inch (6mm) of
excess cable exit the crimp.
Step 5
Repeat Steps 3 and 4 to crimp the opposite end of the cable
to the remaining pull-pull fitting.
Step 6
While holding the servo arm, pull the cable so you can find the
center. Use side cutters to cut the cable in two equal pieces.
Step 7
Use the radio system to check the operation of the rudder
and elevator servos. It may be necessary to bind the
transmitter and receiver if you are using a new receiver.
Always select a blank model and reset it to remove any
programming or trim settings when using a computer radio
before starting the linkage installation. Use the screw from
the servo and a #2 Phillips screwdriver to secure the servo
arm on the rudder servo.