Hangar 9 P-51 Mustang 60 ARF Assembly Manual
Step 9
Remove the servo. Use a drill and 1/16-inch (1.5mm) drill bit
to drill the four holes for the servo mounting screws.
Step 10
Apply 2–3 drops of thin CA into each hole to harden the
surrounding wood. This provides a harder surface for the
screws making them more secure when installed.
Step 11
Use the screws provided with the servo to secure it to the
servo mounting blocks. Use a #1 Phillips screwdriver to
tighten the servo mounting screws. Plug the rudder servo
into the receiver at this time.
Step 12
Use a hobby knife with a #11 blade to remove the covering
for the tail gear doors and tail gear wire from the bottom of
the fuselage.
Step 13
Use a pin drill and 5/64-inch (2mm) drill bit to enlarge the
hole in the tail gear steering arm. Note the position of the
arm and location of the setscrew when enlarging the hole.
Step 14
Insert the pushrod connector in the hole as shown. Use a
C-clip and 1.5mm washer to secure the connector to the
steering arm.