Parts Needed
Fuselage assembly
6" linkage wire (2)
EZ connector (1)
Nylon clevis w/keeper (2)
Wire keeper (2)
Tools and Adhesives Needed
Needle-nose pliers
Z-bend pliers
Step 1
. Locate the 6" wires threaded on one end and thread a
clevis onto each wire 12 turns minimum. One for the rudder and
one for the elevator control linkage.
Step 2.
Attach one clevis to the rudder control horn and, with
the rudder centered and the servo electrically centered, mark the
wire where it passes over the outermost hole on the servo arm.
Step 3.
Remove the control wire and use a pair of pliers to
make a 90-degree bend at the mark made in the previous step.
Trim down the wire behind the 90-degree bend leaving 5/16"
as shown.
Step 4.
Install the rudder control linkage and secure with a wire
keeper and clevis keeper.
Step 5.
Repeat the Steps 2–4 for the elevator control linkage.
Section 15
Installing the Rudder, Elevator,
and Throttle Linkage