Parts Needed
Wing assembly
Control horn (2)
Horn back plate (2)
Mounting screws (6)
Aileron control wire (6" threaded on one end) (2)
Clevis (2)
Clevis keeper (2)
Wire keeper (2)
Tools and Adhesives Needed
Drill Bit: 1/16"
Side cutters
Felt-tipped pen or pencil
Phillips screwdriver (small)
Masking tape
Step 1.
Locate the aileron control horn, back plate, and three
mounting screws.
Step 2.
Place wing assembly upside down on a flat work
surface. Place a triangle on the aileron hinge line and slide it up
against the servo control arm as shown. Using a felt-tipped pen
or pencil, mark the leading edge of the aileron. This will be the
location for the center of the control horn.
Step 3.
Place the aileron control horn on the mark made in
the previous step, aligning the center of the control horn on the
mark. Also align the clevis holes in the horn with the aileron
hinge line as show below and mark the location of the three
mounting screws.
Step 4.
With the mounting hole locations marked, drill the
holes for the mounting screws using a 1/16" drill bit. Be sure to
drill straight through the aileron at a 90-degree angle to the flat
work surface not to the surface of the aileron.
Section 4
Installing the Aileron Control Horns & Linkages